Winter School Q&A

Recent questions asked by your colleagues for the 2024 winter school session:

Could you provide me the exact address where the classes will take place?

The first week’s classes will be held at the xPORT Business Accelerator, Jeseniova 2769/208, 130 00 Praha 3 Classes during the final three days will be held on the VSE campus. We are still waiting on room assignments.

What are the class hours?

On Monday February 5th, class will begin at 13.30. For the remainder of the session, weekday class hours are 9:00 to 12:30 and 13:00 to 16:00. Weekend classes are 9:00 to 12:30. The daily schedule will be adapted to accommodate the social activities.

What pre-work has been assigned in preparation for class?

Please prepare a three to five minute oral presentation of your current work andjectives in AI. Your input to fine tune our pedagogy for the session. Beyond presenting the data, you might reflect on the metadata you use to describe your experience, as well as the evaluation metrics you use to qualify what you’ve learned to date. 

Please find here the link to the course support for the introductory sessions.

Which social events have been organized for the participants?

We have made reservations, usually early evening, for all regularly registered students (the ballet is optional - we have reserved for 5):

Where can I find a copy of the session’s agenda?

The latest draft of the winter school agenda can be found here.

The résidence Roland Barthes, 10 All. des Cèdres, 64600 Anglet

Myra Kinalwa

Media Specialist and Data Scientist

Graduate of the University of Manchester/York University

“I liked the hands-on approach of the BAI session It was interesting to learn the analytical tools actually used in industry. I also enjoyed the social activities which were a great opportunity get a taste of the local culture.”

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