
The Ethics of Data Science

The increasing digitalization of human activity shapes the very definitions of how we evaluate the world around us...

The twin motors of data and information technology are driving innovation forward in most every aspect of human enterprise. In a similar fashion, Data Science today profoundly influences how business is done in fields as diverse as the life sciences, smart cities, and transportation. As cogent as these directions have become, the dangers of data science without ethical considerations is as equally apparent - whether it be the protection of personally identifiable data, implicit bias in automated decision-making, the illusion of free choice in psychographics, the social impacts of automation, or the apparent divorce of truth and trust in virtual communication. Justifying the need for focus on the ethics of data science goes beyond a balance sheet of these opportunities and challenges, for the practice of data science challenges our perceptions of what it means to be human...


In this issue :

Ethics of Data Science

The Ethics of Data Science

The increasing digitalization of human activity shapes the very definitions of how we evaluate the world around us


The BAI Spring Session

Coaching on Demand

BAI is proud to announce a new service of coaching on demand for your Data Science team

The Business Analytics Institute

BAI Fall Session 

The Business Analytics Institute and SDMIMD will be offering a 10-day Fall Session on the ethical implications of data science September 6th to 15th in Mysore, India 

 The Ambassador Program

Technologies and Innovation

Prof. Lee Schlenker facilitated the “Technology and Innovation” module of GEM’s Specialized Masters in Digital Strategy this month in Paris, France

Partner Interview

Partner Interview - Cuurios

Cuurios is a young Dutch software engineering company founded by Leen de Gaaf and Gaetan Giraud


 Nearest Neighbors

Getting to Know your Nearest Neighbors

What is k-NN, how does it work, what are its use scenarios, and how has it facilitated innovations in facial recognition technologies?


This Newsletter has been created specifically for the BAI community to foster conversation around the use of analytics in improving business decision-making. 

Interested in our March Newsletter? It can be found here