The Business Analytics Institute offers a wide range of training, coaching and consulting services to help management improve their ability to take tough decisions.
The Business Analytics Institute offers a wide range of training, coaching and consulting services to help management improve their ability to take tough decisions.
Free e-book: Data Ethics
The increasing digitalization of human activity shapes the very definitions of how we evaluate ourselves, our jobs, and our careers.
Data ethics involves the study and adoption of data practices and applications that respect fundamental individual rights and societal values. How important is data ethics, what issues need to be explored, which themes should be developed, and how will the subject impact your business? Data Ethics is less about developing codes of conduct than fostering “practical wisdom” to navigate ethical challenges posed by new generations of information technology.
In this e-book, you will find the answers to four questions:
What is Data Ethics?
What does it mean to “augment” human potential?
What are the ethical challenges of data science in business?
How can you best address the ethical consequences of data-driven problem-solving?
The Business Analytics Institute improves organizational decision-making through the application of data science. The BAI offers Exec and Corp educational modules, applied research, as well as coaching and mentoring services to help both confirmed managers and management students transform their data into impactful decisions for their organizations and their customers.
Our customer references include Accenture, Berger-Levrault, Cegid, E&Y, HP, IBM, Microsoft, Oracle, NationBuilder, SAS, Semdee, as well as several universities, business schools, public administrations and SMBs in the US, Europe and Asia.
The Business Analytics Institute
+33 (0)771.112.255 - +1 (818) 877-4427 - @DSign4Analytics